Why should a Salesperson go out of the way for customers?

Vrashank Saini
4 min readJan 15, 2021
Why should a Salesperson go out of the way for customers?

Not sure if the best way to go is to go through the book? If someone wishes not to go through the book and follow a direction not many have yet gone through, creativity occurs. We can’t always be innovators, but that doesn’t mean we have to stick to the rules. In our culture, a sense of entitlement pervades and your clients ask for special attention and feel valued.

All businesses respect frequent clients, but do they always show their appreciation? The behind-the-scenes operations, the job that needs to be completed as quickly as possible, weigh most businesses down. Breathe, take a minute. Do you think your average customer is aware of your behind the scenes struggles? And more importantly, do you think it matters to them? As plain as that, the answer is no. Your clients have their own lives and challenges and it is your goods that make an impact on your client and how well they are served.

Take the stories of consumers from businesses who got thoughtful gifts. These reports also go viral, with millions reflecting on the company’s and its employees’ thoughtfulness. All stories worth telling and celebrating are the story of the little kid who got a new phone instead of the one she lost or the loyal customer who received a call of concern about his sudden absence. This general pattern can readily explain over-the-top customer services offered by certain businesses.

These facilities run on two levels. Firstly, since they feel valued and will not pursue another brand or product simply because they like where they are at present, it creates a sense of loyalty in your customer. Secondly, it can prove to be an efficient means of recruiting new clients.

People want to share their stories and the story is bound to draw publicity when they share the story of your outstanding customer service, and with attention comes affirmations from other customers and then comes the new customers whose interest you have piqued successfully.

Do you find yourself wondering why this is important? It matters because we live in an era where there is an abundance of FOMO(fear of losing out) and immediate gratification. We are never satisfied, and nothing ever satisfies us, for every desire we satisfy takes the place of a new desire, and the loop is endless. Customer decisions are not based on money alone anymore. In such a competitive world, the budget doesn’t matter that much, it is the service and delivery that matter most. And you can set yourself apart from your rivals if the service you offer continues to satisfy your customers. Let customers gush about the outstanding customer service you provide to build up your credibility.

A salesperson becomes synonymous with the corporation they represent and their conduct translates into the company’s actions. If you can handle a customer with warmth and consideration, you have helped boost the company’s image as a result. It can, however, be a double-edged sword as one employee’s inappropriate conduct can bring the entire business into disrepute.

55 percent of consumers will pay extra to guarantee a better service, according to Defaqto research. How do you ensure you have the ‘better quality’ that your customers are looking for? When you work with your clients, keep the following pointers in mind.

With good sales, contact does not stop.

For them to become a loyal customer, a client needs to feel respected. Follow up on their order, gather their input and make it your job to solve them as soon as possible if they have any problems. During your day off, have you got a call from a client? Pick up the call and answer their questions because a quick response is a sure-fire way to obtain that customer’s approval. Go the extra mile and make the client feel pleased they’ve selected you over your rival.

Customize customer support

Everyone craves personalization from shampoo to operating systems and it is more a standard than an anomaly today. So personalize those emails and those telephone calls for follow-up. Create client personas and work to customize your services to suit your kind of individuals. Products have become so similar in the same price range that there is a shortage of ways in which your product can stand out. By offering outstanding customer service, to differentiate your business from the competition.

Keep Organized

It can be incredibly taxing to keep track of all your clients and remember all their individual interests. It always pays to make personal notes and keep track of the insights and general patterns that you can pick up as you build a bond with each client, apart from the computer-generated data. It’s a human instinct to trust a person who remembers everything about us because it naturally translates to concern and caring about the person recalled. Staying organized will also stop you from making errors, such as failing to follow up with a specific client. Eventually, these seemingly minor omissions and errors can tarnish the reputation of your organization.

The Authority should Step Up

Offering the finest customer service to the clients is not a mean feat and a dedicated sales team alone can not accomplish it. The salesforce needs the help of an administration that offers the requisite resources for the same. Simple interventions, such as reducing the number of customers per sales staff, will allow an employee to concentrate more on a particular customer and therefore ensure that the customer is pleased with the service. Enable the workers to think differently and refrain from curbing their independence in order not to be compelled to adhere to standard procedures. It will seem simpler and easy to stick to the book, but it will actually restrict the employees.

